General Apartment Information.
Renting Arizona wants to make sure that all students have a general knowledge of move in costs and monthly charges associated with renting an apartment in the Glendale AZ area. What we have noticed is that most apartments websites and their other advertisements do not go into great detail about some of these costs. You may only find out about them after you may have already committed to live there.
All apartments typically will charge you a refundable security deposit and a non- refundable "administration fee". They will also charge an application fee.
If you plan on having pets you can usually count on a (1) pet security deposit, (2) a pet fee (AKA pet sanitizing fee) and (3) monthly pet rent.
All apartments have some type of free parking. All apartments also have covered parking (usually free). Some times the covered parking is assigned, some are first come first. Some apartments offer garages for an additional charge.
You will never have to leave the apartment grounds to do you your laundry. The apartments will either have washer and dryers in every apartment or a community laundry room(s) (either coin or debit system).
Please click on the blue buttons to get more information on these topics
At all apartments near the campus tenants are responsible for their electric bills. Most charge will you water, sewer and trash but these charges, along with others are not necessarily based on your individual usage.
Rental rates can vary at an apartment based on many factors such as what level you are on, length of lease, what direction you face etc.
Lease terms for apartments can be anywhere from three months to 12 months. Very few apartments will go higher to 12 months. The must we have seen is 18 months